CMW Annual Report 2021

It is a great honour and pleasure to welcome you to the first annual report of the Centre for Muslim Wellbeing (CMW).

View Annual Report of the Centre for Muslim Wellbeing (CMW)

As we emerge from months of lockdown, we will never know the full repercussion caused by the pandemic; economically, psychologically and socially. We have all been tested in ways like never before and it is now more important than ever to reach out to one another in kindness and compassion.

We must be vigilant to look out for any signs of mental distress in loved ones and friends and urge the seeking of professional help. (don’t really like the wording of this)

Thank you to all our friends and supporters and please stay in touch with CMW via social media. If there is anything you feel the CMW team can assist with, please do not hesitate to drop us a line.

Sherene Hassan


Ayman Islam
Executive Officer

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