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What is Wellbeing
The state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.
The meaning of wellbeing is multifaceted
An overall sense of wellness will not be achieved without having a balance in these key elements:
Physical (Health and Safety) This includes lifestyle choices that affect the functioning of our bodies. What we eat and how active we are will affect our physical wellbeing.
Emotional or psychological (Mental Health). This is our ability to cope with everyday life and reflects how we think and feel about ourselves.
Social and Culture. This is the extent that we feel a sense of belonging and social inclusion. The way we communicate with others, our relationships, values, beliefs, lifestyles and traditions are all important factors of social and cultural wellbeing.
Spiritual. Our connection and relationship with Allah, dhikr (remembrance of Allāh), duā, as well as completing our mandatory obligations to Allah such as prayer and fasting.
Economic. Economic wellness, in short, is our ability to meet our basic needs and feel a sense of security.
The world we live in is complex. Understanding the requirement of wellness and the factors that influence this state, whether as an individual or community, helps us to work together to improve the quality of our lifestyles.

Figure 1: Working definition of Muslim wellbeing in Australia, developed by Centre for Muslim Wellbeing