

Distressing events may result in psychological harm. This harm is called trauma, and can affect a person’s ability to cope or function normally. Everyone’s reaction to potentially traumatic experiences is different. Most people recover well with the help of family and friends and do not experience long-term problems. Some people experience problems directly after the traumatic event or much later.

Trauma can come in many forms and be the consequence from a diverse range of traumatic events, or events that are perceived as such. Trauma can come in the form of a death in the family, troublesome behaviour, a natural disaster, war, and an accident or criminal activity.

The specific stressors involved in trauma include loss of loved ones, witnessing traumatic events happen to other people, living with distressed adults, the loss of homes, belongings, educational opportunities, income, stability & safety. The following page contains a list of video resources and fact sheets to support people that may be impacted by trauma or supporting someone that might have experienced trauma. 

Video Discussions on Vicarious and Collective Trauma with Practical Tools and Strategies

Trauma Guides

External Resources and Guides on Trauma