CMW strongly supports voting yes to enshrining an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to the Australian Constitution

Centre for Muslim Wellbeing (CMW) strongly supports voting yes to the upcoming national vote in enshrining an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice (The Voice) in the Australian Constitution.

In 2017, through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples asked Australians to walk with them toward a better future by enshrining The Voice in the Constitution. The Voice is a way for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to directly advise all levels of government about laws and policies that affect their lives.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have faced disparities in education, healthcare, employment, and other critical areas for decades. The Voice is a step toward addressing these disparities and promoting social equity. It’s about drawing a line on the poor outcomes from the long legacy of failed programs and broken policies and listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It represents a commitment to justice, respect, and collaboration between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the rest of the nation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Muslims have a shared history of respectful relations. We believe this vote can make a big difference by supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, we contribute to the health, well-being, and prosperity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which, in turn, benefits the broader Australian society.

The Voice referendum is a critical moment in our history. The outcome of the referendum will have significant implications for the future of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

This is a time to listen, a moment to show empathy.

CMW stands with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and strongly supports voting Yes.

For more information about the referendum, and reasons to vote yes kindly visit:

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